Clearfield - Red Route Fares & Passes (CLFR)

Clearfield - Red Route Fare CLFR (6110)

General Public - $1.25

Senior Fare - FREE

Children ages 5 - 11 - $0.65

Children under 5 - FREE

To determine the exact fare, see the specific Fixed Route Schedule, or contact the Mobility Management Center at 1-866-RIDE ATA (1-866-743-3282)


Fixed routes are appropriate for communities that have enough people living in them and enough destinations to travel to make them an affordable transportation option.   Fixed routes have fixed or established pick-up/drop-off points.

Drivers are not permitted to go off route for any pick-ups or drop-offs.

Because these routes have established points and cannot respond to requests for changes, the fares are the least costly available.